ETC3250/5250 Introduction to Machine Learning

Week 7: Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)

Professor Di Cook

Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics


We will cover:

  • Global explainability
  • Local explainability
    • LIME
    • Counterfactuals
    • Anchors
    • Shapley values

Global explainability

Variable importance (1/3)


  • Model coefficients on standardised data
  • Effect of collinearity
  • Importance from permutation

Variable importance (2/3)

Model coefficients on standardised data

parsnip model object

lda(species ~ ., data = data, prior = ~c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3))

Prior probabilities of groups:
   Adelie Chinstrap    Gentoo 
     0.33      0.33      0.33 

Group means:
             bl    bd    fl    bm
Adelie    -0.94  0.61 -0.78 -0.62
Chinstrap  0.90  0.64 -0.36 -0.58
Gentoo     0.66 -1.10  1.16  1.09

Coefficients of linear discriminants:
     LD1    LD2
bl -0.24 -2.319
bd  2.04  0.172
fl -1.22  0.062
bm -1.18  1.257

Proportion of trace:
 LD1  LD2 
0.82 0.18 

bl and bd are the most important variables

Variable importance (3/3)

When predictors are strongly linearly associated, interpreting coefficients purely on magnitude can be incorrect.


     LD1    LD2
bl -0.24 -2.319
bd  2.04  0.172
fl -1.22  0.062
bm -1.18  1.257

Correlated variables

      LD1    LD2
bl   1.80 -1.921
bl2 -1.57 -0.407
bd2  0.49  1.548
bd  -2.54 -1.375
fl   1.21  0.052
bm   1.21  1.270

Permutation variable importance (1/2)

For trained model \(\widehat{f}\), which depends on data \({\mathbf X}\) to predict response \(y\), with loss function \(L(y, \widehat{f})\) (e.g. misclassification rate, error),

  1. Estimate \(L(y, \widehat{f})\) on the data, \(L^{\text{orig}}\).
  2. For each variable \(j \in {1, ..., p}\),
    • Generate data matrix \({\mathbf X}^{\text{perm}}\) by permuting variable \(j\). This breaks the association between variable \(j\) and observed \(y\).
    • Compute the \(L(y, \widehat{f})\) on the permuted data, \(L^{\text{perm}}\).
    • Compare \(L^{\text{orig}}\) and \(L^{\text{perm}}\), e.g. \(|L^{\text{orig}}-L^{\text{perm}}|\)
  3. Most important variables have larger values.

Permutation variable importance (2/2)

Random forests have this baked into the model fitting (using the out-of-bag cases).

Generally, should be conducted on the test set.

# Using DALEX with tidymodels
vip_features <- colnames(p_std)[2:5]

vip_train <- 
  p_std |>

explainer_lda <- 
    data = vip_train, 
    y = p_std$species,
    verbose = FALSE
vip_lda <- model_parts(explainer_lda,

Data with additional correlated variables

  • Variables with correlation still can affect results.
  • Variables can mask the importance of others.

Partial dependence profiles (1/2)

Partial dependence profiles show how the model prediction changes across different values of an explanatory variable.

# With DALEX
pdp_lda <- model_profile(

Shows what the model sees.

Partial dependence profiles (2/2)

PDP suggests LDA sees

What do we see?

Local explainability

Linear vs non-linear separation

When the difference between classes is non-linear, variable importance changes locally.

Mark a point where x1 is most important in distinguishing the classes.

Mark a point where x2 is most important in distinguishing the classes.

Why should I know about local explainers?

If you deploy a complex model, you may need to be able to explain any decision made from it.

If the decisions affect people or organisations, they might be challenged in court. You as the analyst may be expected to justify the decision, that it was made fairly, without bias, and based on specific measurements collected for the model.

Selected points to use for illustration

Which variable is most important?

obs expect
1 x1
2 x2
3 x2 ?
4 x1, x2
5 x1, x2
6 x2


Fit a linear regression in the local neighbourhood of observation of interest.

w_rf <- randomForest(cl~., data=w)
w_rf_exp <- DALEX::explain(model = w_rf,  
                        data = w[, 1:2],
                        y = w$cl == "A")
model_type.dalex_explainer <-
predict_model.dalex_explainer <-
w_lime <- predict_surrogate(
  explainer = w_rf_exp, 
              new_observation = w_new, 
              n_features = 2, 
              n_permutations = 100,
              type = "lime")

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  case  model_intercept     x1       x2
  <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1 1               0.485 -0.419  0.189  
2 2               0.643 -0.184 -0.00800
3 3               0.474  0.141  0.347  
4 4               0.695 -0.354 -0.441  
5 5               0.466  0.212  0.387  
6 6               0.498  0.339 -0.379  


Find the closest observation (counterfactual) that has the different class. What values of the variables would you need to change to change the observation of interest into the counterfactual.

# devtools::install_github("dandls/counterfactuals")
predictor_rf = iml::Predictor$new(w_rf, 
                                  type = "prob")
# predictor_rf$predict(w_new[1,])
w_classif <- counterfactuals::NICEClassif$new(

w_new_cf <- w_new
w_new_cf$cl <- ifelse(w_new[,3]=="A", 
                           "B", "A")
for (i in 1:nrow(w_new)) {
  w_cf = w_classif$find_counterfactuals(
    x_interest = w_new[i,], 
    desired_class = w_new_cf[i,3],
                 desired_prob = c(0.5, 1)
  w_new_cf[i, 1] <- w_cf$data$x1
  w_new_cf[i, 2] <- w_cf$data$x2
   x1o   x2o clo      x1    x2 cl
1 -0.5 -0.25   A -0.5000 -0.31  B
2  0.0  0.00   B -0.0057  0.00  A
3  0.2 -0.50   B  0.1358 -0.50  A
4 -0.8  0.80   A -0.1785  0.51  B
5  0.8 -0.80   B  0.1358 -0.52  A
6  0.8  0.50   A  0.8249  0.50  B

Note: If case is misclassified, the desired class needs to be the true class.


How far can you extend from the value of the observation in each direction and still have all observations be the same class.

Note: No working R package to calculate these.

Shapley values

A Shapley value is computed from the change in prediction when all combinations of presence or absence of other variables. In the computation, for each combination, the prediction is computed by substituting absent variables with their average value.

w_explain <- kernelshap(
    verbose = FALSE

    x1    x2 cl shapAx1 shapAx2
1 -0.5 -0.25  A   0.358    0.15
2  0.0  0.00  B  -0.236   -0.25
3  0.2 -0.50  B  -0.164   -0.32
4 -0.8  0.80  A   0.255    0.26
5  0.8 -0.80  B  -0.215   -0.27
6  0.8  0.50  A  -0.059    0.57


Which variable is most important?

obs expect LIME CF SHAP
1 x1 x1 x2 x1
2 x2 x1 x1 x1, x2
3 x2 ? x2 x1 x2
4 x1, x2 x1, x2 x1, x2 x1, x2
5 x1, x2 x2 x1, x2 x1, x2
6 x2 x2 x1 x2

They don’t all agree.

You need good visualisation of the model in the data space to fully digest the importance of the variables.

NOTE: We can use magnitude when interpreting the local explainers because we used standardised data. The interpretations are more complicated otherwise.

Example: penguins (1/2)

Compute SHAP values for the neural network model

p_nn_model <- load_model_tf("../data/penguins_cnn")

# Explanations
p_explain <- kernelshap(
    bg_X = p_train_x,
    verbose = FALSE
p_exp_sv <- shapviz(p_explain)
save(p_exp_sv, file="../data/p_exp_sv.rda")

Highlight SHAP values for a misclassified Gentoo penguin

Note: the SHAP value is much lower than values for all other penguins on bm.

Example: penguins (2/2)

Weights from hidden layer

      [,1]  [,2]
[1,]  0.56  0.80
[2,]  0.17 -0.21
[3,] -0.15 -0.15
[4,] -0.80  0.54

Model uses mostly bl and bm.

Note: this analysis used the training set because this Gentoo penguin was misclassified as an Adelie in the training set.

            Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
  Adelie        95         5      0
  Chinstrap      0        45      0
  Gentoo         1         0     81

Next: Support vector machines and nearest neighbours