# Load libraries used everywherelibrary(tidyverse)library(tidymodels)library(conflicted)library(colorspace)library(patchwork)library(MASS)library(randomForest)library(gridExtra)library(GGally)library(geozoo)library(mulgar)conflicts_prefer(dplyr::filter)conflicts_prefer(dplyr::select)conflicts_prefer(dplyr::slice)conflicts_prefer(palmerpenguins::penguins)conflicts_prefer(tourr::flea)
🎯 Objectives
The goal for this week is for you to learn and practice visualising high-dimensional data.
🔧 Preparation
Complete the quiz
Do the reading related to week 2
Open your project for this unit called iml.Rproj.
1. The sparseness of high dimensions
Randomly generate data points that are uniformly distributed in a hyper-cube of 3, 5 and 10 dimensions, with 500 points in each sample, using the cube.solid.random function of the geozoo package. What differences do we expect to see? Now visualise each set in a grand tour and describe how they differ, and whether this matched your expectations?
For the data sets, c1, c3 from the mulgar package, use the grand tour to view and try to identify structure (outliers, clusters, non-linear relationships).
Code to show in a tour
3. Effect of covariance
Examine 5D multivariate normal samples drawn from populations with a range of variance-covariance matrices. (You can use the mvtnorm package to do the sampling, for example.) Examine the data using a grand tour. What changes when you change the correlation from close to zero to close to 1? Can you see a difference between strong positive correlation and strong negative correlation?
4. Principal components analysis on the simulated data
🧐 For data sets d2 and d3 what would you expect would be the number of PCs suggested by PCA?
👨🏽💻👩💻Conduct the PCA. Report the variances (eigenvalues), and cumulative proportions of total variance, make a scree plot, and the PC coefficients.
🤯Often, the selected number of PCs are used in future work. For both d3 and d4, think about the pros and cons of using 4 PCs and 3 PCs, respectively.
5. PCA on cross-currency time series
The rates.csv data has 152 currencies relative to the USD for the period of Nov 1, 2019 through to Mar 31, 2020. Treating the dates as variables, conduct a PCA to examine how the cross-currencies vary, focusing on this subset: ARS, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR, FJD, GBP, IDR, INR, ISK, JPY, KRW, KZT, MXN, MYR, NZD, QAR, RUB, SEK, SGD, UYU, ZAR.
Standardise the currency columns to each have mean 0 and variance 1. Explain why this is necessary prior to doing the PCA or is it? Use this data to make a time series plot overlaying all of the cross-currencies.
Conduct a PCA. Make a scree plot, and summarise proportion of the total variance. Summarise these values and the coefficients for the first five PCs, nicely.
You’ll want to drill down deeper to understand what the PCA tells us about the movement of the various currencies, relative to the USD, over the volatile period of the COVID pandemic. Plot the first two PCs again, but connect the dots in order of time. Make it interactive with plotly, where the dates are the labels. What does following the dates tell us about the variation captured in the first two principal components?